Sunday, July 20, 2008

T minus 1 year and counting

Well, we officially made the 1 year mark since Dossier submission for our adoption. 1 year and counting...indefinitely. As far as our agency goes, so far they've only received 1 referral for El Salvador since the inception of this program. So, it appears that it will still be a long haul until we are on the other side of this.

Frustrated? Maybe. Disappointed? A little. Tired? Yeah.

Worth the wait? Absolutely!!

Father God, my arms are weary from holding them up during the battle. I'm so tired and frustrated and sad and hurt and just plain old ready to get somewhere already. I'm tired of seeing Bayli hurting for a sibling. I'm tired of just struggling to hold it all together. God I know you are still in control and you can still move mountains! We are in this for the long haul, unfortunately we didn't realize what "long haul" meant 18 months ago when we began this journey towards adoption. God I pray for your mighty hand to move and I thank you for being in control of our lives. I love you father and thank you for blessing us beyond measure!


. . . the urbanhen said...

Congratulations on your marker of 1 year!
Continuing with you,