Friday, February 15, 2008

Hide and Seek: Version 2008

The other day, while picking Bayli up from school she informed me of something they will be doing at school next week. To say that it left me speechless, would be an understatement.

She went on to explain in great detail how her teacher had explained to the students that next week there would be a fire drill. But that they won't go outside. Instead they will stay inside and Mrs. Lanoux will secure all of the children either under or behind a table (I couldn't quite understand which one), then when all of the children are 'hidden' Mrs. Lanoux will race to the door to cover the glass- so that no one can see inside.

"We're just practicing mommy."

What are you practicing for sweets? Still not fully comprehending.

Well, Mrs. Lanoux said that we have to practice hiding...just in case a very bad, bad man might come to hurt us. We have to know how to hide- so that he can't find us.

Hide and Seek...Version 2008. That, my friends never occured in the classrooms that we grew up in. That is the frightening reality of having a child in school in 2008. And, apparently, there are no exceptions even in a private school.

Don't misunderstand me, IF some very bad man were to go to her school- I'd be very happy that she learned to hide in a way that she wouldn't be found. HOWEVER, just the thought of it, merely typing this, makes me sick to my stomach. I shudder to think of everything that goes on in this world that we live in.

Imagine what God thinks about all of it.

Father God, we pray for a hedge of protection around our children. I pray that angels watch over them while they are not in our care, whether it be at school or daycare. God, I'm all for planning...but we pray that this will only be a test- not a plan that will ever have to be implemented. God, wrap your loving arms around our children and keep them from harm.

Face for Grace,


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