Monday, December 10, 2007

'Fore'heads are better than one

I know you must be thinking that my title is incorrect. The old saying is actually 3 heads are better than one. However, in the mind of an adorably witty 4 year old...things are a little different.

The other day I was stealing some kisses from miss Bayli. Every now and then she gives me a hard time and pretends that she doesnt love to be showered with kisses...even though we know better than that. Anyway, she was giggling and laughing and trying to play hard to get. All of sudden she pointed to her forehead and asked me to "Kiss me right here Mommy." So I obliged. Then she asked me "What is this thing called again?" (still pointing to her forehead) I answered that it was called her forehead. Her face lit up with excitement and she got a huge smile on her face and quickly responded excitedly, "Next year it'll be my fivehead?!" And then she took off running into the living room, leaving me cracking up laughing, to kiss her Daddy on the forehead and loudly proclaim, "I kiss you on your thirty-threehead Daddy!"

Is that cute or what?

Face for Grace,