Monday, August 13, 2007

We lived to tell about it...

Well, today was the first day of school. We are still alive, and I guess we're even going back tomorrow. We'll see in the morning.

Really, all in all- it wasn't bad. I guess I had cried enough the entire weekend that it wasn't so bad today. It took my breath away when Jason got her dressed in her uniform, then she walked into my bathroom for me to fix her hair. She suddenly looked rather grown up. I was not impressed with the thought of her growing up and having a backpack, a lunch bag and everything else. It's just crazy...she's still a baby.

But I do have a confession to make. I stayed the entire day today to "help" the teacher. Hey...she asked for volunteers throughout the year. I just decided to start the first day! I promise that I helped and I didn't show my child any favortism. After all, I'm used to that with her being in Club Faith every Sunday and Wednesday. I've become rather good at being in the room with her without favoring her. Even if I do think she's the cutest one in the room :) (Kidding!)

I was rather amazed at how well Bayli did. I was concerned because she's the youngest in her class, but you couldn't tell when observing the entire class. That makes me feel better about everything. I was afraid that she'd be helpless in this big class of 20 kids. I guess being a "mommy" you tend to be an enabler to your child's helplessness. It's what we do- we do everything for them, even if they are more than capable of doing it for themselves. But, today I realized that everything that I've worked so hard to achieve during the time I've spent at home with her became my own worst fear...she was fine without me and is a very capable, confident and competent little girl. But when we got home, we were barely in the door when she climbed up into my lap for me to hold her. I stroked her hair and we talked for a few short minutes about the favorite parts of her day before she drifted off to sleep. She was literally snoring in a matter of seconds. I needed to start supper, but chose not too. I just kept rocking her and stroking her hair and kissing the top of her head. I held her for about 15 minutes before laying her down for a little nap.
It was a sweet that we both needed.

Face for Grace,


jajbs said...

So gald that this day went smoothly. Jake started 2nd grade yesterday and it wasn't any easier for me. I have learned to take it one year at a time!

Let's try to get together soon!


Anonymous said...

She is ADORABLE. What a special day for your whole family. Glad it went well!