Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What on earth are they teaching them?

Well, I am pleased to announce that Bayli loves school and loves her teacher and all seems to be well in the school area. She cried every single day last week, except for Monday, because I was, you know, the self-appointed Teachers Assistant that day. And, I guess, there is no need to cry when your Mommy goes to school with you and all. But, this week she has decided that school is good, even if we do "have to do this every single day!" She hasn't cried once this week and loves to tell me every detail of everything, including the specific details of the hair accessories that each girl wore that day. She can also tell me what every child had for lunch too. Maybe that's why her sandwhich is only half eaten when I pick her up.

And she has learned a ton of new things already. Aside from how to stay in line, that she is number 13 and she must always line up behind Rebekah, who is number 12, and she's also learned about raising your hand before you speak. She has also learned real quick-like that the teacher has a hidden stash of treats for those who are "caught doing something good"...and let me tell you...she has learned to totally maximize her treat-earning possibilities.

They've learned all kinds of new Bible stories last Friday when they learned the one about "Madame and Eve"! She showed me the picture of them, and had the entire story quite accurate...except the Madame part. She's quite ready for Bible College, don't you think?

Of course, they are learning other important things like numbers and letters, etc...but there are no exciting stories to mention about that. Oh, and she is the door holder this week! And she takes it quite seriously too. When I dropped her off yesterday morning, she announced loudly as we were opening the car door, "The door holder is now here!".

We may not be able to stand to live with her when she gets promoted to Line Leader!

Face for Grace,
