Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just to make things fun...

So, it appears that I am borderline gestational diabetic.  I was borderline when I was pregnant with Bayli, but way back then in the stone ages 5 years ago they didn't do anything about it. Apparently now when you are borderline all sorts of flashing lights and sirens go off and you are treated exactly as if you had failed the test 100%.  

I met with the dietician Thursday to learn how to try to control my blood sugar through diet.  I also met with a nurse to learn how to check my blood sugar.  Currently I am monitoring my blood sugar 4 times per day.

Can I stop now and whine just a little bit?

Good.  Because I know that I have wanted this pregnancy for a very long time, but it's just daily becoming a more and more difficult pregnancy.  I am very excited and super blessed...but I'm tired of the drama.  Honestly, I knew several miscarriages ago that I would never just "have a baby" I would always be considered high risk, and that I would never ever have a normal pregnancy.  But I did not expect this to happen in addition to all of the other stuff we've been dealing with.

However, the nurse explained to me in great detail that when my body can't tolerate or absorb the sugars properly it goes straight to the baby, mainly in the form of extra pounds.  Simply put, it just really isn't healthy for the baby.  And considering that all that I've prayed for is a healthy baby, then I have simply resolved  to suck it up and do whatever needs to be done to bring a healthy baby into the world.    

And honestly the diet isn't too bad.  I really haven't been craving sweets all that much.  My problem is that I love fresh fruits.  So, my excess sugar is coming from fruits and other carbs; like pasta and baked potatoes.  I haven't just been overloading on junk food.  But now I can't just grab an apple or a handful of grapes like I'm used to.  So it's taking a little bit of discipline. But, since the beginning of the pregnancy I've lost 22 pounds because I was so sick.  I've been joking all along that I would be the first pregnant woman in history to deliver a baby weighing less than when she got pregnant.  I guess God heard me and decided to help me out a little bit! :)

I also have been having quite a bit of pain due to my sciatic nerve.  Never knew that thing existed until a few weeks ago.  Luckily it only comes and goes, I know some people who suffer with it constantly- mine usually only bothers me 4-5 days out of the week.  The problem is, since I'm only 23 weeks, and it's been bothering me since about 18 weeks, they are afraid it might only get worse as time goes on.  So I am going to a physical therapist tomorrow to learn some exercises that I can do to relieve the pain.

On a happy note, we went Monday to the perinatologist for another ultrasound and to my regular appointment with my OB.  We got another great report from both Doctors.  (The ultrasound showed the baby as weighing 6 ounces larger than normal, but hopefully getting the insulin thing under control will help keep the baby's weight under control as well. ) Bayli was with us and she was so excited to see the baby on the screen.  She kept pointing out that she could see the heart "beeping".  She is so cute and so curious right now about everything baby related.  She always asks things like, "Mommy, does the baby know that we are watching Max and Ruby right now?" Or "Mommy, does the baby know that you just washed my hair?"  Too sweet!  My favorite still is when she talks to my belly, then listens in my mouth to 'hear the baby answer her'... how cute is that?

Well, that is the long recap of "New Moran- 23 week Update".  I am a little bummed about some things, but I will make it through this as well.  I just keep trying to remind myself of the old saying that when you have an easy pregnancy you have a difficult delivery, and when you have a hard pregnancy you usually have an easy delivery.  I am hoping to cash in on that one!  At least it's something to look forward to.  Regardless, when I was talking to my OB, and was very upset about the 'borderline gestational diabetes' thing; I told her...I just want one normal thing!  Just one thing!  And she gently reminded me, "Your baby."  And so it is.  I can take and live through just about anything for that!