Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A little about him...

I've idolized him my entire life. From as far back as I can remember, my love and admiration for him overflowed. My Mom says that he adored me, too, when I was a baby. I think we have one picture of him holding me when I was an infant. That would probably be the only proof to that theory.

When I got to be about 4 or 5 years old, he tormented me. He told me that Jaws lived under my bed and that piranhas and alligators were in my bubble bath. I took a running jump from my doorway to my bed every night for years because I believed him about the Jaws thing.

Our relationship went through many different phases as we grew older. The longest span of time would have to be the years that he ignored my even being alive. Mixed in there was the time that he told me I had no parents because my Mom found me under a bush and the time that he offered to hold me down so that the neighbor kid could shoot me with a BeBe gun. I remember leaving candy on his pillow in hopes that I could bribe him into actually liking me. When I was a teen all of my friends thought he was so cute. They all wanted to date him, and some even mentioned wishing to marry him. Come to think of it, even now people comment on how cute he is and they can't believe he's not married. (He is pretty cute, if I do say so myself.)

I remember one day many, many years ago my Mom telling me that one day we'd be the best
of friends. I used to laugh and tell her she was crazy.

Who Knew? Mothers really do know everything, and sometimes they can even predict the future.

Now as adults we can freely tell each one another "I love you", we can laugh and joke about our short comings and I can say with confidence that he is my friend. I am so glad that my Mom was right.

Who knows...he may have even liked me all along!

As I've already posted before, Scott left last Thursday for some training prior to heading to Iraq. He has started a BLOG to journal his events while there. You can check out my brother's BLOG here or by clicking on the link on my sidebar.

Face for Grace,



jajbs said...

I have been praying for you and your family. You have been heavy on my heart. I did not want to call and intrude, so I have been praying for you instead. Your brother is a true hero. God will protect him and bring him home to you. Call me-- I am out of school now and we can get together.
