Monday, May 7, 2007

There is a light

There is officially a light at the end of the tunnel. And no, before you ask, it's not a train!

We can officially say that we only have 3 documents left to complete our Dossier!

One is Jason's birth certificate, which I ordered on February 20th! Who would think that it would take 12 weeks to receive that? I contacted the necessary personnel to find out where we stood in receiving this vital piece of paper. To which they repied, it's on hold indefinitely due to Katrina issues. My goodness, I'm sure that my mind can't comprehend the magnitude of the issues that dear Katrina posed on our great state, but it would seem to me that they should be a little bit closer to being able to get a man a copy of his birth certificate, huh? Especially considering the fact that I received mine from like 8 states away in less than 5 days! And especially considering that we already have his birth certificate, it's just not a brand-shiney-new one. But, never dear friend Amanda gave me some inside scoop on how to get one expedited to us! We should have said birth certificate by the end of this week! YEAH!

The other piece of information that we are lacking is my passport. Let me just state, for the record, that I ordered that on February 22nd. One might think that 11 1/2 weeks would be enough time to get a passport. Apparently with all of the seniors heading to Cancun in the next 3 weeks or so, mine has taken a backseat. So, according to the state department website, mine is being processed and should be received within the week also. Don't think that I didn't take it upon myself to go ahead and send a follow-up email just to be sure. 'Cause I did. One has learned that one can't be too careful in dealing with things of this nature. (I may not be able to do math in my head or know my odds of grabbing a green paper clip...but you better believe that I've got one seriously quick learning curve when it comes to deadlines!)

The last piece of information that we are lacking is a biggie. It's the USCIS I-171H. Fancy lingo for "important report from the feds". That's the immigration/fingerprinting thing that I've been referring to. I think I've mentioned before that the word on the street indicates that the New Orleans immigration office being "backed-up" is an understatement to say the least. So I've been very careful about what I post and what I confess about when we'll get our report from them.

But I'm done with that. So, I'm going to go ahead and say it. We've got favor. We're going to get our report in record time. 2 weeks. Or less. There. It's done.

With all of this said, I must say that as much as I have been enjoying the busyness of preparing all of these documents...I'll be oh so glad to send them off and make the waiting official.

Dear Jesus. Thank you so much for pouring out your favor upon us. Thank you for blessing us with inside scoop and ways to get things wrapped up. Thank you so much for having your hand upon us during this time. Thank you for giving me the grace to keep my OCD side in check so that I was able to enjoy every and all things involved in this process. I am thrilled to death over this journey that we are on and I'm so greatful that you are in the drivers seat. Bless our baby girl...keep her safe.

A Face for Grace,


jajbs said...

Praise God!! I will continue to pray His favor over this adopiton. Gracie will be home soon!
