Wednesday, June 13, 2007

You might have a problem if...

I have a big confession to make. I adore little girl clothes. They are so adorably cute, and for the most part you can find some really cute things for very reasonable prices.

Let me also say that Jason and I both would prefer to don fig leaves than to spend money on clothes for ourselves, all so that Bayli can be decked out at all times.

And she is officially well aware of this. And she's well aware of her cuteness. And she's well aware of the sheer joy I get when buying her said cute outfits with the perfect bow and matching shoes. And she truly enjoys being the recipient of all of the joy and goodness when recieving some good, new clothes. She is one of the only children I know that gets extremely excited about recieving clothes over toys. She'd rather get a cute pair of shoes than a toy any day of the week. That's my girl!

This weekend we went to several stores, Target, Lowe's, etc. She found something that she loved and admired and just had to have, around every corner. Even in Lowe's! I was amazed at this child of mine who found several things she felt would be a necessary purchase at The Home Imporovement Warehouse! (I think she might be a shopper, what do you think?) Can I tell you how very proud I am? The shopping gene has not only found her, but has apparently been fostered quite well!

However, after the first 80 times that she just had to have something, it sort of lost it's appeal. I was worn down and just plain old tired of telling her no. So, I shared with her the old saying about how money just doesn't grow on trees. Daddy works very hard for the money that we have and God expects us to spend our money wisely. Jason and I both ascribe to a strict budget, and buying our 3 year old a "cute toilet" and "a very nice refrigerator that's we'd all enjoy" just weren't in our budget for the day's shopping excursion! I continued to explain to her that she was blessed that we got to go out to eat that night, and that she'd gotten a candy at the checkout at Target; and quite frankly that was enough. She had plenty of things at home, etc. I wasn't sure exactly how much she understood, but she quit asking, and that was a winner in my book.

So, when I was getting her dressed yesterday, she asked me if she could wear her silver sparkle flip flops tomorrow. (She's also quite obviously a planner, too...but that's another post for another day) Then she informed me that she knows it's very important for her to match, so we probably need to go ahead and get her a silver sparkle shirt. "And then Mommy, I'll probably need a pair of silver sparkle pants too, because that's the only thing that will really match a silver sparkle shirt and silver sparkle flip flops."

Then she looked at me with all seriousness and said, "Mommy, I know that moneys don't grow on trees....but these tings are just important!!"

Alrighty then. What on earth are we going to do when she's 16...or even 6 for that matter?!