Sunday, April 29, 2007

Being the good mother that I am

I know that this BLOG normally only has updates about the adoption, but I have to remind myself that life outside of this adoption does still really exist. And since I can't seem to get around to scrapbooking or anything of that nature, I may as well document "life" stuff here too.

With that said, Bayli has been sick all day. She woke up with fever of 101.8 and it's been hovering there all day, one time peaking at 102.3 We've had a scare recently about her blood sugar, and I couldn't get her to eat much of anything all day. I know that's normal with fever, but then I notice that her hands were shaking, and I got fearful of the blood sugar thing again. So, Jason and I decided that she needed to eat something. The pork loin and greenbeans supper that I made totally didn't appeal to her. So I did something that I NEVER do. (I never ever fix a different meal for her...she must eat what I fix for the family.) I asked her what would be the one thing in the entire world that she would eat. To which she replied, cheese and crackers. Sounds healthy enough, right? Well, the cheese and crackers that she's refering to would be Club crackers and Easy Cheese.

Normally I do not have snackage of that nature hanging around the house. But a few weeks ago we went out of town to minister to a children's ministry in Leesville. And since it was a weekend away without kids, everyone on the trip planned the snacks out perfectly. And I was in charge of the Easy Cheese. It just so happens that it didn't all get eaten so I brought it home. One day I shared this delicacy with Bayli. Of course, she did not forget.

So, to make matters worse, we had used up the last of the Easy Cheese that day, and were fresh out of Club crackers too. So, again...something I never do...I went to Wal Mart at 8:00 tonight to buy a fresh supply of Easy Cheese and Club Crackers.

The good news is, she ate 3 crackers, with cheese. The bad news is, after she finished the crackers, she asked me to just squeeze the cheese straight onto her tongue. "I don't need crackers after all, Mommy." She said with much enthusiasm. And with Easy Cheese being the excellent source of calcium, low in fat, totally not processed, essential part of the food pyramid that it is...I of course felt totally comfortable with doing that for her. Ahem!

Apparently the apple may not fall too far from the tree. Because I think straight into the mouth, skipping the cracker altogether is absolutely the best way, if not the only way to consume Easy Cheese. Therefore, no more Easy Cheese allowed at this household until she's old enough to buy it with her own money...not to mention get to the store by herself.