Wednesday, April 18, 2007

For such a time as this

God's goodness never ceases to amaze me. I am hoping that I have the blessing to tell you of a miraculous friendship that has come about in my life through our adoption process. When we began telling people about our adoption, my across the street neighbor and friend told me of a previous teacher that her child had for kindergarten who was in the process of adopting a child from Guatemala. I was interested in her story, so she sent me a link to her blog so that I could follow her story. I felt an instant kinship with her, as she seemed to be a lot like me; soft hearted, easy to cry and very transparent. There were times that I would wake up in the middle of the night thinking of her family and wondering how their process was going and saying a quick prayer for them. There was another time when I felt an overwhelming urge to pray for her strength...just to learn that right after that they got news that their process had sort of been temporarily halted and their course was changed.

We have never spoken on the phone or in person, but we've been in contact via email and through comments on our blogs. It truly has amazed me how in the past 3 weeks that we've known each other existed how much she has been a blessing to me. Simple things like she knows of our Psychiatrist and could give us some very helpful personal information about him. It was a comfort to me late last night as I was concerned about our meeting him tomorrow.

It just reminds me how God has everything mapped out. He knew that these tender hearted mothers, who are trying to live life while their babies are across the globe instead of in our arms...our sweet Heavenly Father knew that we may need a little more support than normal. He was concerned that we may need people, not only who've been there...but who are in the midst of it, to offer encouragement and support and tell us how their process is going.

I am very grateful to all of our friends and family who are supporting us right now. And I'm also very grateful for the new friends that God has brought into our lives. I know that we are walking in our sweet spot, so to speak. We are right in the middle of God's amazing blessings and perfect will. I remember having someone speak to me at the beginning of this process and telling me that they believed that God was going to ordain certain people to come in and out of our lives during this process for specific purposes and reasons; and that we should consider them blessings because it was all going to be a part of God's plan.

God, thank you for pouring out your blessings over our lives. Thank you for bringing people into our lives during this season. I thank you for my new friend Amanda. I pray that you will bless her and her family as they finish the last leg of their journey. God, you know their situation. And Father, you are no respector of persons. I pray right now in the name of Jesus for mountains to be moved in her situation...God that she will be able to bring Bella home soon, in your name.

Thank you for sending people to me who have been there, and know what I'm walking through. I also thank you for infinite wisdom and the intricate details of your plan that add the spice to our lives. I am a vessel, and I'm honored that you chose me God. Continue to use me Father...that Your will be done and You be glorified throughout this process!!

Honored to be a Face for Grace,


jajbs said...

Okay, Holly, you managed to make me cry like a baby! I am so thankful that we serve a God that is constantly ordering the steps of our oives. I thank Him that He crossed our paths and I thank Him for your strength and encouragement. I may not have "met" you in person yet, but God has truly begun to knit our hearts together as we journey through this process of bringing our daughters home!
